Core Principles
We believe our state’s economy succeeds when Tennesseans have the health to perform fully in the workplace and the marketplace.
We aspire to create a Tennessee which ranks in the top half of states for improvement in workforce connected health measures.
Council Chair
Keith Norman
VP and Chief Government Affairs & Community Relations Officer
Baptist Mem. Health Care
A vibrant economy is dependent upon a healthy populace. Healthy citizens are more productive, lead to less costly insurance premiums, miss fewer work and/or school days, and reduce turnover in the workplace.
Our Health Vision For Tennessee
We want employers, including the government as an employer, and the State to adopt policies and practices that will produce measurable improvement in patient compliance with treatment regimens for chronic health conditions and produce measurable reductions in smoking, tobacco use, and obesity.
For Government
We want state government to adopt and follow policies designed to remove regulatory barriers to proper care and provider compensation while encouraging or even requiring better health related behaviors.
For Healthcare Providers
We want our health care providers to be properly compensated for their services so they can continue to provide quality and timely health care to our citizens.
For Employers
We want our employers to remove barriers preventing our health plan participants, wherever they are located, from access to quality health care.
Coalition For A Healthy Tennessee
The Roundtable led a coalition of a wide variety of businesses who advocated for the expansion of Medicaid in Tennessee based on the positive economic impact that expansion would bring to the state.