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Roundtable, Metro Chamber Partners Host Atlanta Fed President Bostic

Updated: Apr 18, 2022

Dozens of business leaders from Middle and East Tennessee joined the Tennessee Business Roundtable, along with nonprofit partner members Chattanooga, Knoxville and Nashville Chambers, on July 7 for a one-hour online session with Dr. Raphael W. Bostic, President & CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, serving the Fed’s Sixth District which includes Middle and East Tennessee.

Dr. Bostic provided attendees with an overview of the Fed’s actions to mitigate the negative economic effects posed by the national COVID-19 health crisis, including its swift implementation of both monetary and fiscal programs aimed at providing liquidity and sustaining business survival and employment during the first months of the crisis. He fielded several questions from the Roundtable and from online event participants.

Link to video replay of the President Bostic Conversation event

See additional media coverage below:

Write Ups of Presentation:

Market News International, July 7: Fed's Bostic Says Confidence Is Again Wobbly

Mention in Larger Stories:

Chattanooga Times Free Press, July 7: Who got the Payroll Protection loans in Chattanooga?

Marketplace Radio, July 9 (quoted at top of Thursday’s show)



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