Gordon Fee
Leadership in Education Award
The Tennessee Business Roundtable’s Leadership in Education Award is named for Mr. Gordon G. Fee of Oak Ridge - a true champion for excellence in Tennessee public education.
Our Award serves as an ongoing tribute to Mr. Fee as the Roundtable’s longest-serving Education Committee Chair from 1992 through 2015 - and the inaugural recipient of the Award in 2008. For over three decades, Gordon has tirelessly championed the Roundtable’s education initiatives by serving in many leadership roles, including serving as the first volunteer executive in the Tennessee Department of Education.
Tennessee leaders whose education contributions have been recognized by our Roundtable through conferral of the Gordon Fee Leadership in Education Award include:
Hon. Jamie Woodson, former TN Sen. Education Chair & former SCORE President & CEO (2022)
Hon. Bill Haslam, Governor (2018)
Randy Boyd, CEO, Radio Systems Corporation (2014)
Hon. Richard Montgomery, former TN St. Rep. and TN House Education Chairman (2012)
Hon. Phil Bredesen, Governor (2010)
Michael Edwards, President/CEO, Knoxville Chamber of Commerce (2009)
Gordon G. Fee, retired President, Lockheed Martin Energy Systems (2008)

Former Tennessee Senate Education Chair and former SCORE President & CEO Jamie R. Woodson was honored by the Roundtable with its Gordon Fee Leadership in Education Award in October 2022. From left: former Roundtable Chair William (Tinker) Kelly; Woodson; Award namesake and 2008 recipient Gordon G. Fee; 2022 Roundtable Chair Dr. Keith Norman.

Governor Bill Haslam (left) in 2018 became the sixth leader honored with the Gordon Fee Leadership in Education Award – pictured here with 2018 Roundtable Chairman Anthony C. Kimbrough (right).

Radio Systems Corporation Chairman (and tnAchieves founder) Randy Boyd (second right) was honored with the Gordon Fee Leadership in Education Award in 2014 - joined here by former Roundtable Executive Director Charlie Howorth (left), Governor Bill Haslam (second left) and Award namesake Gordon G. Fee (right).

Governor Phil Bredesen (center) receives the Leadership in Education Award in 2010 from former Roundtable Executive Director Ellen Thornton (left) and former Roundtable Chairman Jim Powell (right).